Termidor SC
Unparalleled Termite Control.
Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide is 100% effective at controlling termites in three months or less. That's why since its introduction in 2000, pest management professionals have made Termidor America's leading termite control, with over 4 million structures treated.
Termidor eliminates termites by both ingestion and contact, and is lethal to termites simply through contact with other Termidor-tainted individuals. And because Termidor is a non-repellent - undetectable to termites - the pests freely forage through treated areas, unknowingly ingesting, picking up and transferring Termidor throughout the population. It's the product's unique "Transfer Effect," allowing Termidor to achieve 100% control of termite populations at the very low rate of just 0.06% active ingredient.
Product Features
- Adheres to leaves
- Remains on pourous sufaces
- Rain fast
- Limits skin irritation

Product Overview
Termidor SC termiticide/insecticide has low water solubility, low odor, and won’t damage water-safe surfaces. Its easy-to-use formulation is suitable for all low-pressure power, backpack, hand-held sprayers and foamers. Best of all, Termidor significantly reduces nuisance ant and general pest callbacks.
For years, the same nonrepellent, undetectable technology that has made Termidor SC termiticide/insecticide America’s #1 termite defense has also proven highly effective in controlling many species of nuisance ants. Ants are controlled through genuine Transfer Effect technology when they freely cross through treatment areas they become donors of the treatment when they return to the colony resulting in complete colony elimination. Now, Termidor SC termiticide/insecticide is labeled for a broad range of other frequently encountered general pests, like spiders, cockroaches, paper wasps, earwigs and millipedes.
Details & Specs
Active Ingredient | Fipronil 9.10% |
Target pests | Ants (acrobat, Argentine, big-headed, carpenter, crazy, odorous, pavement, pharaoh, thief), Asian lady and darkling beetles, Box-elder bugs, Pillbugs, Centipedes, Cockroaches (Australian, Oriental, smokey brown), House crickets European earwigs Cluster flies, Millipedes Silverfish Spiders (black widow, brown recluse, hobo, cellar), Brown dog ticks, Paper wasps, Yellow jackets * See Label for complete list |
Safe for pets | |
For use in | * See label for complete application instructions |
Application | * See label for complete application instructions |
Formulation | Professional Product |
Shipping Weight | 1 lbs or 10 lbs |
Manufacturer | BASF |
EPA Registration | 7969-210 |
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