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Tempo 1% Dust

Regular price $44.20 USD
Regular price Sale price $44.20 USD
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Tempo 1% Dust is a ready-to-use dust that contains 1% cyfluthrin and is especially effective against bedbugs and stinging insects. Labeled for use indoors and outdoors, this product effective residual control of ants, cockroaches, wasps and other pests in difficult, hard-to-reach sites.

Key Benefits

  • Effective pest control with a long residual
  • Low odor and non-staining
  • Broad label directions
      In Stock. Normally ships in 1 business day.

      Product Overview

      Ants, bedbugs, bees, boxelder bugs, carpenter ants, carpenter bees, carpet beetles, centipedes, cockroaches, confused flour beetles, crickets, firebrats, granary weevils, ground beetles, Indian meal moths, lesser grain borers, mealworms, millipedes, old house borer beetles, powderpost beetles, red flour beetles, rice weevils, sawtoothed grain beetles, scorpions, silverfish, sowbugs, spiders, termites, wasps

      Details & Specs